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7 years ago
body massage

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    BODY MASSAGE ---DOOR TO DOOR-----9888354454
Massage therapy has a historical connect with the mention in the ancient books that body massage has some great healing properties. In fact, body massage is recognized as one of the oldest methods of healing. 
Body Massage is known to offer several healing benefits both physiologically and psychologically. A body massage helps in relaxing the body, stress relieving and rejuvenating the body.  A body massage involves the gentle and tender rubbing of the soft tissue of body which is executed by an expert understanding the techniques of body massage. The appropriate way of working out the soft tissues of body by massage helps in increasing the blood circulation and oxygen to the treated areas of the body. In fact, body massage is applied for rehabilitation of muscular injuries. 
In terms of physiological benefits, a body massage relaxes muscle tissues reducing the painful contractions and body aches. The therapist used pressure techniques in the different body massages and this pressure helps in relieving tired and aching muscles.  A good body massage can deliver several benefits as below:

  • Helps in relaxing the body
  • Helps in relieving tired and aching muscles
  • Boost flexibility
  • Reduces chronic pain
  • Relieve the nervous system
  • Improve blood circulation 
  • Control blood pressure
  • Control heart rate
  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Reduces stress level and fatigue
  • Address anxiety and depression
  • Assist in mental relaxation
  • Aid general body wellness

The therapist uses various techniques and type of body massage so as to deliver desired results in body relaxation. The various type of body massages which are popularly used includes:

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