Sonika Ramola
8 years ago
What is Glutathione and Why Do You Need it?

What is glutathione? It’s a very simple molecule that may well be the most important molecule you need to stay healthy and prevent disease. It’s a key for preventing aging, cancer, heart disease, dementia, and other chronic diseases. It’s also essential for treating everything from autism to Alzheimer’s disease to cancer and much more.
What Gluthathione is and What it DoesGlutathione is a combination of three simple building blocks of protein or amino acids − cysteine, glycine, and glutamine − and it is produced naturally in the body. It is called “the master antioxidant” because it can regenerate itself in the liver after each fill-up of free radicals and go back to work. Free radicals are often the byproduct of normal cellular metabolic oxidation and toxic overload. They can lead to autoimmune diseases, several types of cancer, and even heart attacks.

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