Shipra Singh
8 years ago
Tips to clean and keep safe false eyelashes

Tips to clean and keep safe false eyelashes

Girls with lashes prefer to use false eyelashes to increase the density of eyelashes and make eyes look beautiful. False eyelashes articulate your whole beauty persona and make your eyes look bold. For making eyelashes look perfect with false eyelashes, it is primarily important to shop for good quality eyelashes and use them correctly.

For removing false eyelashes you need oil free makeup remover. First of all, remove all makeup from eyes as well as from eyelashes. Then remove false eyelashes. If eyelashes are not bent then you can use them again next time. So f eyelashes are in good condition then place them in a bowl and pour enough makeup remover on it to clean. Leave it for 10 minutes so that all makeup settled on eyelashes can be cleared well. Thereafter take lashes out of remover and rinse them properly without causing any bent and 
then take dry towel to soak excess water from it. Now place them carefully in its case.
Always use good quality glue to stick eyelashes so as to prevent any damages to your eyes.

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