Tips for skincare in summer

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Summer is back and now begins the time to take extra care of skin from harmful UV rays, 
sweat, and pollution. Prepare routine for skin care to keep skin glowing in summer. Here are given tips for skin care in summer -

Wear sunscreen – Wearing sunscreen is the most part of daily routine in summer. No matter you stay at home or go out never forget to apply sunscreen on face and open body parts to prevent skin darkening and sun burn. Go for sunscreen above 20 SPF in summer.

Wear sunscreen

Soothe sun burnBreadcrumbs mixed with raw milk works well in soothing sun burn. Mix bread crumb with raw milk and apply on sun burn areas.

Soothe sun burn

Egg Yolk Pack – To keep skin look fresh and tight apply egg yolk pack on the face. Summer makes skin look tired and oily. Egg yolk pack will keep skin free from oil as well as high-quality proteins in yolk will provide nourishment to the skin. For this, take an egg yolk and whisk it well then using cotton ball apply on face and let it dry for 20 minutes. Wash it using cold water and pat dry.   

Egg Yolk Pack

Cold water shower – Summer is the time to enjoy cold water. So stop using the hot shower because it will dry skin. Cold water will relax from sweat and also help in preventing acne breakouts.

Cold water shower

Use aloe vera – Aloe vera has anti bacterial properties and when Aloe Vera, when formulated into a properly designed personal care regimen it can treat, exfoliate, restore, reveal and provide constant, impressive nutrition to the skin. Aloe vera works wonders in treating sun burn, remove tan and stretch marks.

Use aloe vera

SteamingIn summer, skin gets polluted from hot waves and sweat. The best way to unclog pores and remove dirt caught in pores is to use steam.  Do it at least once in a week. Steaming opens clogged pores and it suits to all skin type.


Gram flour and curd pack – Simple home to use at least thrice in a week is gram flour and curd face pack. It will soothe skin as well anti-bacterial properties of curd will keep acne problems away as well as exfoliate and moisturise the skin.

Gram flour and curd pack

Fruits – Summer is for fruits and vegetables. Eat fruits to keep your body fit and fresh. In summer junk and outside food cause harm to the body so better is to opt for fruits like apple and papaya.


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