Tips To Get Thick Hairs

Every woman desire for thick, flowing and beautiful hairs.Some of the women are genetically blessed with gorgeous hairs but some are not. Bur don't worry here we bring some tips to get rapunzel like hairs:-
Get A Trim: - To get thick hairs, trimming once in eight weeks is important. Trimming helps in getting rid of split ends and your hairs also look fresh.
Minimal Product: - When it comes to hairs, The less number of products we use on our hair the better it is. Therefore shampoo your hair once in a week and on a bad hair day just use a little dry shampoo.
The mix of coconut and castor oil: - We all know that coconut oil is the best oil for hairs as it protects the hairs and provides essential proteins needed for hair growth. Castor helps in protecting hair fall and it is also a good source of vitamin e which promotes hair growth.
Avoid Heat: - excessive use of hair styling tools can damage our hairs . Therefore use your hair styling tools only twice a week and use it with a heat protectant.
Take Your proteins and vitamins: - For hair growth vitamins like biotin and keratin are important. Therefore either take them in your diet or take supplements.


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