Hair Care Female Adda
8 years ago

Everyone wants to have healthy, long and strong hair. Healthy hair requires regular hair care regime and nutrition to grow. Here are few tips for amazing hair –

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Avoid Heat Styling – Heat damage hair scalps and makes hair thin. Instead of using heating styling products you can use steam rollers. Heating products like curling irons, flat irons, hot rollers and low dryers damages hair.

heating style

Keep Hair Clean – Wash hair for twice in a week. Use herbal shampoo if possible otherwise use shampoo with specification for hair type. Always use quality product for hair cleaning.

Keep Hair Clean

Use Silk Cover Pillow – When you sleep your hair comes in touch with pillow and rough material pillow might damage hair making them frizzy. Use silk cover pillow because smooth texture of silk will not make your hair rough and frizzy.  

Use Silk Cover Pillow

Vitamin Rich Diet – Diet plays very important role when it comes about hair health and growth. Diet rich in iron, vitamin, protein and zinc helps stimulate hair follicles and boosts hair growth.

Vitamin Rich Diet

Hair Masks – Use natural hair masks to make hair smooth and silky. Use egg mask for once in a week for silky hair.

Hair Masks

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