Health Female Adda
8 years ago
Stress During Pregnancy Linked To Eczema In future Children

According to a recent study by medical research council life course epidemiology unit, the University of Southampton in the UK, there is a link between maternal stress before conception and atopic eczema in future children. Eczema is a skin condition in which the skin becomes dry, itchy, red and cracked. In this, the stress level of woman’s recruited to the Southampton woman’s survey before their pregnancy was examined. Participants were examined to report how stressed they were in their lives with a sub-group and they were also asked about their psychological wellbeing. The total numbers of 3000 babies were born to women, who took part in this survey, these babies got under medical assessment for eczema at the age of six months and 12 months.

The finding of this research revealed that maternal stress can release certain hormones. These hormones can have a major impact on the baby’s immune system. The figures show that more than one-third of the one in six women reported extremely stressed before falling pregnant. The analysis also revealed that the infants of these mothers had 20% higher chances of developing atopic eczema at age 12 month in comparison to children of other participants. The study revealed that the stress and low mood experienced near the time of conception may have even a greater impact on eczema risk. The finding of the research supports the idea that eczema partly starts right when the baby develops in the womb. This study lead researcher Dr. Sarah EL- he explains “maternal stress can release certain hormones that can have an effect on the baby's immune response, leading to an increased risk in conditions like eczema."
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