The Secret Of Beauty Of Kareen Is She Is Using The Natural Prodouct at Her home..The Point Are Follows: Kareen Use Honey For the ...
Your skin can’t escape the blemishes of time as you grow old. Dark spots or discolouration of skin is one of the dermatological issues that almost everyone faces at some point of time or the other. It occurs when there is an excessive production of melanin, the pigment that lends your skin its colour. The factors that contribute to dark spots could be hormonal imbalance, sun damage, acne, liver damage, malnutrition, so on and so forth. Some cosmetic procedures like a harsh scrub or was could also be the culprits. There are countless cosmetic and skin care products that can help you fight dark spots. But they come with their own set of side effects. Here are 5 home remedies that will banish the dark patches of your skin minus the side effects.
You can apply honey along with lemon or olive juice. Milk powder and ground almond paste can also be good options for the combination. If you apply the mixture on your face, the dead cells on the external layer of your skin will be removed. Moreover, honey is rich with certain enzymes that add a glow to your skin.
Aloe vera comes with a lot of skin and hair benefits. It is a natural remedy against dark spots. Apply fresh aloe vera gel on the dark circles and leave it for some time. Rinse with lukewarm water. Aloe vera gel can also be used in the face pack that you make at home.
It is a safe bleaching agent. Rich in vitamin C, lemon juice can be a magic potion for the darkened areas of your face. The antioxidants and ascorbic acid in lemon juice act as lightening agents.
Simply squeeze juice from half a lemon and apply it with a cotton ball on the darkened area. You can also apply cut lemon on the affected area and let your skin absorb it. However, don’t go out in the sun after you’ve applied lemon juice. It’s a good idea to mix lemon juice with turmeric powder and tomato juice.
Avocado comes with oleic acid and vitamin C. These ingredients make avocado your best weapon against skin pigmentation. It is good for deep nourishing of your skin. Mash avocado and make it smooth, lump-free, dab it on your skin and leave it for half an hour. Wash it away with lukewarm water.
It is endowed with lactic acid, which is a natural lightening agent. Make a face pack with yogurt, oatmeal and lemon to fight dark spots naturally.
The Secret Of Beauty Of Kareen Is She Is Using The Natural Prodouct at Her home..The Point Are Follows: Kareen Use Honey For the ...
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