Clay masks are rich in minerals. These minerals have the ability to absorb toxins and exfoliate skin. There are many types of clay...
Skin Care cheat sheet- In this pic told that the routine of makeup In which day what we do, according daily, weekly & monthly basis. And explain also the way of using a product.Y ou can see all by the image, shown.
Clay masks are rich in minerals. These minerals have the ability to absorb toxins and exfoliate skin. There are many types of clay...
How to Treat Winter-Dry Skin Care In winter, Our skin can easily dry, rough, we have to care for our skin by using skin ca...
Lemon contains an amazing benefit for skin and health. Regular use of lemon may help you in losing weight as well as provide you g...
Honey contains natural antibacterial properties which make skin clear and glowing. Honey is a great remedy for acne and bacteria p...
Sensitive Skin: - Those with sensitive skin should avoid exfoliation as it can irritation and redness.Therefore soft washclot...
OverCleansing: - We want to get rid of any excess oil on our face or hairs and for that we over cleanse. which results in strippin...
Cheating is the worst thing you can ever do to your partner. It is being said that woman don’t cheat but that is not true. A...
Less Is More: - If you think that constantly applying a huge number of skincare products will l help you then you are in an illusi...