Skin Care Tips For Sensitive Skin

People with sensitive skin are most concerned about their skin, as either product is too harsh for their skin or it doesn’t suit their skin type. So here we bring some skin care tips for ladies with sensitive skin. You can also book parlor services at home to various skin treatments for sensitive skin.

Cleansing: - For sensitive skin, the best way to clean the face is to use a gentle not- alcoholic cleanser. It would be better if you choose a natural cleanser rather than cosmetic as it will not irritate your sensitive skin. You can also try the natural skin cleansing method. For that, you have to take olive oil and castor oil in 3:1 ration.rub this oil in your palm and then apply it over the face. Then take a washcloth dipped in hot water and place it over your face. Leave the washcloth on your face until the washcloth are cooled. Rinse off your face and repeat the process until your face feels clean and soft.

Moisturizing: - Women with sensitive skin should use alcohol-free moisturizer. The best option is to use aloe Vera. It is not only natural but hydrating and moisturizing too. It hydrates the skin from the inside and protects the skin from outside environment. Its healing properties are so good that it can treat most of the skin conditions like eczema, suntan, cuts and insect bites.

Exfoliation: - Chemical Exfoliants can be pretty harsh for sensitive skin. Therefore it is best to stick to natural exfoliation method. You can mix equal parts of honey, sugar, and lemon and apply this mixture all over your face. Rinse off with warm water. In case you like going for chemical exfoliates avoid scrubs with harsh exfoliating beads.

Mask: - Applying a face mask once in a week is quite important as it helps in relaxing, unclogging pores and cleansing skin from the deep. You can try gentle ingredients like yogurt and oatmeal. Mix these two in equal quantity and apply it on a face, take it off using a steamed cotton cloth.

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