Top 7 ways to Lose your Belly Fat Fast Everyone wish to get a slim body or good body shape by avoiding fat belly. A slim good b...
Top 7 ways to Lose your Belly Fat Fast Everyone wish to get a slim body or good body shape by avoiding fat belly. A slim good b...
Running is the best way to kick start, as when you run it activates the endorphin chemicals in your body and you feel positive thr...
Set a target: - When you set your weight loss goals to keep them realistic and ambitious. When you set ambitious goals you can los...
Yoga for Glowing Skin and Healthy Mind Yoga is an age-old practice for healthy mind and fit body. Regular practice of yoga brin...
Tired and wired: - You are exhausted by the time you go to bed and your mind is still not at calm it is thinking about that u...
Do you know that it is the toughest to lose flab from the belly area? No matter how many hours you spend in the gym, eat a healthy...
The downward-facing dog - great for the mind, body and soul - but how about some yoga for the face? We asked face yoga expert Dani...
The downward-facing dog - great for the mind, body and soul - but how about some yoga for the face? We asked face yoga expert Dani...