Sonika Ramola
8 years ago
Selenium Benefits: A Unique Trace Mineral That Provides Powerful Cancer Prevention

One of the best detoxifying agents to prevent mercury build-up is the mineral selenium.
Selenium Is a “Mercury Magnet”
This strong interaction greatly benefits total health and serves as one of the best strategies to remove accumulated mercury from fatty tissue in areas like the brain.
Supporting the production of this antioxidant enzyme is essential for human health. We must include a surplus of selenium in our body to reduce mercury levels. It is critical to consume more selenium and less mercury for this to occur. Mercury contamination from food, vaccines, dental amalgams, or whatever the source might require you to increase selenium consumption up to 1000 mcg each day.
How Selenium Fights Cancer
Selenium acts a bit like a mechanic in how it works. It binds protective antioxidants like glutathione to areas of DNA that need repair. This process reduces the damage to cellular DNA and is especially important to reduce cancer growth, improve the aging process, and prevent against many degenerative diseases.

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