My feet care regime in winter season


Winter is my 
favorite season as it brings with it spicy peanuts, leafy vegetables, parathas with butter, ginger tea and warm sun rays which seem like life-giving in winter. But, with winter my feet problem also starts and if I did not take care of my feet then it becomes worst and I have to face cracked heals and chopped skin.

Hence, in winter, my major concern is – how to take care of my feet so that it should not crack. For this, as soon as winter starts my routine for foot care also starts which obviously I don’t follow in summer. Here is my regime for feet care in winter –

# Proper cleaning of feet every morning by scrubbing heels and toe edges using a pumice stone and then cleaning with soap.

# Take discarded toothbrush and clean toenails. I prefer toothbrush because of its soft angular brushes.

# Moisturise feet properly just like my I do for the whole body after taking shower. For feet moisturiser, I use thick creams which stay for hours.

# At night when I am back from my work I soak my feet in warm water for 10 minutes and during this time I keep enjoying my favorite TV serial full of drama. In the water, I mix few drops of body wash for proper cleaning of feet. Then using the towel I clean my feet and get ready for dinner preparation and so many household things.

# Before I go to sleep I apply thick cream in feet and wear cotton socks in order to maintain moisturiser of feet.

# Once in every month I go for a pedicure so as to keep my feet nourished, cleaned and well polished during winter.

 I am sure if you follow this routine then you won’t ever have to worry about feet skin problems in winter.

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