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8 years ago
Karan Johar Becomes Father To Twins Via A Surrogate

The renowned filmmaker Karan johar released his autobiography last year “An unsuitable boy “. In his autobiography, he has written that he wanted to adopt a child or have a child with surrogacy method. Recently he turned his desire into reality. He has finally become a father of twins, that too a girl and a boy. The delivery happened in masrani hospital in Andheri (west) on 7th of February with the help of surrogacy. The registration of their birth was done on March 3.

The BMC executive officials said that the children were registered in their birth record as “baby girl” and “baby boy” as the johar hasn’t yet informed the BMC about the names of his children. In the birth registration details have been given that Karan johar is the father but there is no mention of the mother’s name.

On Sunday, March 5th Karan johar expressed gratitude towards the mother who gave birth to the child as he was able to fulfill his lifelong dream. He has finally decided the name of the babies as
roohi and yash.

Karan Johar is not the first Bollywood celebrity to be a single father via surrogacy. Previous year Tushar Kapoor too had a son, names 
lakshya Through In vitro Fertilisation. Other celebrities that went for IVF are Aamir khan – Kiran Rao and Shahrukh khan –Gauri khan.

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