Health Female Adda
8 years ago
How to lose weight and keep it off

How to lose weight and keep it off

Gaining weight is very easy but on the contrary losing weight is a herculean task. Sometimes, we lose weight but then we stop our workout as well as our eating regime gets weird and then we again gain weight. So these lose and gain seems like two sides of a coin. In reality, this is not the fact and you can lose your weight as well as you can easily maintain your weight at the same level if you follow few simple tips –

1. Make your own workout regime – Make your workout regime as per your schedule and ask yourself why you want to go there. Knowing what you naturally prefer will help you in meeting your targets.

2. Know your habits – If you have made a plan to go for a workout in the morning while you are not a morning person then it is just not possible to get up in the morning. If you have not been a morning person then suddenly one day your willpower may make you up at morning but you can’t make this your habit in one day. So instead of pushing yourself forcefully, it is better to know your intuition whether you are morning or night person and decide accordingly. Weight loss advice is good only if you love doing something and so you have the ability to follow it.

3. Make healthy decisions – If you want to lose weight and stay healthy then make healthy decisions. Making a healthy decision which feels true to you is the only option to stay true to yourself. No matter, how often you go out for lunch and dinner but make sure the food ordered by you is healthy and for that always check restaurants and their menu ahead of your visit. Losing weight does not mean you should lose friends so always plan for
outing with friends as it will refresh you.

4. Move with purpose – If you wish to get into habits of something good then always make sure to have a purpose of doing it. If you are doing a workout just for your desire to lose weight and get thinner, then once you achieve your objective your activities will also stop and again you will get back to your original weight after some time. If you want to stay healthy then make workout your habits because such activities provide long-term benefits and also build your skills.

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