Are you having sleep issues? Do you get into bed early but still can’t sleep? Then improving the air quality will help. Foll...
Tired and wired: - You are exhausted by the time you go to bed and your mind is still not at calm it is thinking about that upcoming meeting or event. Therefore you toss and turn in bed and doesn’t get an adequate amount of sleep. For this, you need to take a warm shower before going to bed and read a calming book.
Work at Night: - If you work at night, you always feel low on energy. You try sleeping during the daylight and it interrupts your sleep/wakeup cycle. Therefore you need to have regular daytime sleep and nighttime wake- up cycle.
You are restless: - On some nights you feel restless, that’s because you might have eaten a dinner with high saturated fats. The ideal dinner should have lean proteins (chicken, tofu) and complex carbohydrates (Lentils and sweet potato).Make sure you eat the lightest meal of the day at night.
Are you having sleep issues? Do you get into bed early but still can’t sleep? Then improving the air quality will help. Foll...
Health experts say that walking and running are good for heart health. As per a new research, walking can improve long- term ...
Knowing how to choose the right handbag for any occasion is absolutely vital to look fabulous no matter where you are.Ti...
The downward-facing dog - great for the mind, body and soul - but how about some yoga for the face? We asked face yoga expert Dani...
10 Lifestyle Changes That Make You Look Younger Turn back the clock with easy changes to your everyday habits. 1. Skip the h...
Soya: - It is naturally low in saturated fats. It helps in lowering down the cholesterol level. The proteins in soya control the c...
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