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7 years ago
How To Remove Color Post Holi

Holi is the most colorful festival. It brings lots of color and excitement. We start off with herbal colors and but end up playing with water based strong colors and spray paints. These strong colors juts don’t fade way easily so here we bring some tips on how to remove color post holi.

Warm Water Bath: - For taking a bath choose warm water over too hot or cold water as extreme water temperatures can dehydrate the skin. You can also use a creamy exfoliating cream and loofah to get rid of colors on the body.

water bath

Good Old Creams: - Take any heavy old creams like Nivea or ponds cold cream and apply it post bathing. After a few minutes, you will notice your face sweating and the color will ooze out naturally.

old cream

Use Lemon: - In case the color gets to settle in your hair, first rinse your hairs with water remove as much as color possible then shampoo followed by heavy conditioner and for the final rinse add lemon juice in a mug full of water and use it on your hairs.


Coconut Oil: - Just like coconut oil removes makeup easily, it can also remove holi color. For this, you can take a cotton ball and dip it into coconut oil now apply the coconut oil directly on the top of the color. It will help you to get rid of even the darkest color. After taking shower apply the coconut oil again on your body and let your body absorb all the oil.


Malai Pack: - You can also make DIY malai/cream pack gets rid of stubborn colors. For this, you need malai, almond oil and rose water in 1:2:1 ratio respectively. Mix the ingredients well and apply on the colored parts. Leave the pack on your body for few minutes and then massage. You will notice the color will be removed itself. If needed repeat the process after few hours.

malai pack

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