How To Reduce Body Heat In Summers
When the mercury is at its peak during summers, the body heat also shoots up. That is why it is advised to eat and drink food which gives a cooling effect to the body as if you eat spicy food it will only heat up the body. So here we bring some of the things you can eat and drink to cool down your body heat.
Buttermilk: - As per Ayurveda, buttermilk can help in reducing body heat.Those who have high metabolism generally have high body heat so can benefit from this drink. If you a have a high body heat your body might be losing lots of vitamins & minerals and buttermilk helps in rebuilding that.
Watermelon: - Watermelon has a high amount of water content which helps in lowering the body heat.Your body stays hydrated and stomach also feels full. You can either make a smoothie out of it or eat it directly by cutting it into small pieces.
Peppermint: - These cooling leaves are the perfect way to simmers down body temperature. You can either make peppermint chutney or make drinks out of it. If you want to cool down your face add few drops of peppermint oil in cold water, then take a cotton ball and immerse it in the peppermint oil mixture now apply it on the face. This will remove the latent heat and you feel cool instantly.
Coconut Water: - Coconut water is really beneficial in bringing down the body temperature.You can have coconut water every day on an empty stomach.The electrolytes in coconut water also hydrates and provide various other benefits.