Female Adda
7 years ago
How To Get Shiny Hair At Home

Do you have dull and lifeless looking hairs? Even if you don’t have shiny hairs this rising temperature is definitely going to take away all the shine from your hairs. But doesn’t worry as here bring some of the best ways through which you can easily get shiny hairs at home.

The Right Shampoo: - You might not realize but your cleaner and conditioner might be turning your hairs dull. So from the very first step of hair care that is choosing the right products opt for shampoo and conditioner that helps in giving glossy shine.

The Right Conditioner: - To provide your hairs the right shine, it is advisable not to go after expensive conditioner you can just use two three ingredients from your kitchen and you are good to go. Just mix 100 ml of apple cider vinegar along with few tablespoons of honey and cold water. After shampoo
condition your hairs with this mixture and sees the magic yourself. This mixture is a great conditioner with all the anti-bacterial properties.

Spray Some Gloss: - For some days when you want some extra glow in your hairs just takes help of shine spray. No matter what your hairstyle is the spray will always add a glow to your lifeless hairs. Two or three pumps are enough to make your hairs glow all day.

Fish Oil: - You might have already heard that Fish oil has omega 3 fatty acids which can make your hairs glossy from the inside. But if you want to get the perfect shiny hairs try mixing it with olive oil and apply it on your scalp. The olive oil has conditioning properties and fish oil will nourish your skin and provide the required shine.

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