The day we ladies figure out on how to make manicures last as long as pedicures will be the cause of joy, but until that day comes...
Home Remedies for Nail Growth: Every girl want to grow her nail, after having nail hand looks so beautiful. Nails also made by keratin same as hair. Several reasons for the not growth of nail or slow growth of nails, it can be ageing effect, lack protein, hormones change, nutrition, unhealthy diet as well.
Here are some Home remedies for nail growth...
1. Olive Oil: Olive oil is an essential oil, best for growth treatment. By this, our nail gets moisture deeply.
2. Coconut Oil: It is used for growth of hairs as well as nails, it keeps healthy and strong of our nails.
3. Orange Juice: It helps for boosting our nails growth, causes orange juice have vitamin c.
4. Lemons: Same as Orange juice it is also the source of vitamin C, and work as an essential oil. Gives our nails shine.
and we can see some remedies in this pic.
The day we ladies figure out on how to make manicures last as long as pedicures will be the cause of joy, but until that day comes...
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