Home Remedies For Dry Skin

Coconut Oil: - Coconut oil has fatty acid that too with effective medicinal properties.Therefore it is very effective in treating dry skin and itchy scalp.You can try honey+lemon+coconut oil face mask to treat your dry skin.

Olive Oil: - Olive oil is a rich source of antioxidants and vitamins. It is quite helpful in making dry skin hydrated and
moisturized. Just mix olive oil into oats and add milk to it.Now apply this paste and rinse off after 15 minutes.

Curd: - Curd is a rich source of vitamin C, zinc and calcium.To give dry skin a boost of moisture, apply it topically.You can mix curd and honey and apply it over the dry areas and you will get a plump skin.

Banana: -  Banana is the ultimate fruit for dry skin.Just mash one banana and add some honey to it.Apply this face mask and rinse off after 15

Glycerine: - Glycerine is really good to hydrate your skin.When you apply glycerine it quickly absorbs and retains moisture.You can mix aloe vera gel along with glycerine and vitamin e oil to treat a dry skin problem.

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