High-Tech Skin Maps Show Chemicals From Clothes, Beauty Products

High-Tech Skin Maps Show Chemicals From Clothes, Beauty Products:

*Scientist analysed the skin map and it shows chemical from clothes, beauty product.According to them chemical will scattered around the people if we will not take any action against it.

*We think,we are safe if we are using shampoo & skin products for makeup But we all are wrong.Using shampoo and skin product can damage, dull to our skin.Food & Clothes both are our skin part, its really matter what we eat and wear.

*Skin Care is also the part of technology now.An Environment can be the cause of chemical and damage skin.The molecule can affect our skin & hairs.We really don't know in which environment we are leaving and also that environment have a pure molecule or not.Cleanser for skin, acne treatment are the best solution to this problem.Firstly Clean hands before use any skin care product.We Should use tips for remove the makeup and cotton balls also.


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