Blackheads are dark spots on face and especially on nose areas. Open pores on face and around nose area get filled with debris and serums are blackheads which at later stage transform into pimples. Blackheads spread more on oily skin and if oily skin is not cleaned properly then it can worsen. Natural home remedies are very good option to keep blackhead away from your face skin and area around nose –

Blackheads are a sort of acne formed mainly on the 
face. Sometimes blackheads are formed by hair follicle irritation also. There are few home remedies to get rid of blackhead from nose at home which is given here –

Milk and Honey Paste - Take 1 tbsp milk and 1 tbsp honey and a clean cotton strip. Mix honey and milk together and put in microwave for 10 seconds. When it gets cool enough to apply on face then apply this paste on your nose firmly and put cotton strip onto it. Now, leave it for next 20 minutes and when it dries well then peel the strip and rinse off your face with cold water. Honey has anti-bacterial properties to keep bacteria away and milk has lactic acid which keeps skin soft.

Lemon Juice Blackheads are caused due to open pores so the best way to get rid of blackheads is to close pores or shrink them. Lemon juice is an astringent which works really well in doing this. Every night before sleep, wash your face and pat it dry. Take one lemon and squeeze it. Now using cotton balls apply this juice on your face and leave overnight. Next day, wash your face using cold water and apply moisturiser.  

Egg White Mask Egg white portion is a very good for skin tightening and is full of nutrients. For making egg white mask, take 1 egg and separate white part of an egg. Wash your face and pat dry then apply egg white on your face. Place tissue paper on egg white and press gently on the face so that it sticks well. Now let it dry for some time. Now apply the second layer over tissue paper and give it time to dry. Your face will feel tight when the mask tightened, so now peel off the mask and rinse with cold water and pat dry. Apply moisturiser finally.

Baking Soda and Water Small granules of baking soda works naturally to remove anything clogged on skin pores. Mix 1 tbsp baking soda with water and make a paste. Massage this paste on your face in circular motion for few minutes. Then rinse off using cold water and pat dry your face. Use moisturiser on the face. Don’t overdo using baking soda as it has high PH level which will make your skin very dry.

Oatmeal and Yogurt Mask oatmeal and yogurt mask work instantly in removing blackheads. Take 2 tbsp oats and 3 tbsp yogurt and mix it well. Now apply this mask on your face and leave it for 20 minutes. Thereafter rinse off with cold water.
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