Reetika singh
8 years ago


Planning to travel hilly areas to combat heat or to soak up around beaches to enjoy sea water you wish to look your best all the time. Travel is mostly exhausting and if you want to look and good and chill all around then just note down few points given here –


* Carry water with you all the time so as to drink anytime you feel the need. You can also add some energy powder to it like Glucon D to keep yourself hydrated and energetic.

* Apply moisturiser before you step out of your comfort house to visit places during travel.

* Always keep handy a medicated lip balm so as to keep your lips look fresh instead of chopped and flaky.

* Keep cleansing wipes in your bag and use them to wipe out excess oil on the face because washing off face every time is not convenient during travel.

* If you have long hair then instead of keeping open, it would be better to keep them tied or make a bun or French ponytail which will look good as well as save your hair from getting frizzy.

* Always wear shoes which are comfortable during travel so do shopping of your travel shoes ahead of your travel and wear them before travel.
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