Summer is coming so the summer dresses like shorts, sleeveless tops, spaghettis and strapless gowns are going to be in trend again. But these dresses might cause embarrassment for some people because of easily noticeable dark underarms. There are many causes for dark underarms like chemicals, hormonal issues, and hereditary.   

There are some home remedies which will help you to get rid of dark underarms and provide clear skin. The best thing about home remedies is that it has not side effects and it benefits gradually.

1. Make a pack using gram flour, lemon juice, and raw milk. Milk contains lactic compounds that lighten skin tone and gram flour works as a natural scrub.

2. Try natural bleaching agents like potato, cucumber, and lemon. Rub any of these things on your armpits and leave for 20 to 25 minutes then rinse off with lukewarm water. These things will lighten the area dramatically within few days.

3. Homemade scrub is also good option to get rid of dark underarms. Scrub removes dead skin and allows skin to regenerate smooth and fair skin. For making the scrub, take lemon juice, sugar and jojoba oil. Lemon is a natural bleaching agent and sugar moisturizes skin, while jojoba oil helps in balancing PH of skin which prevents skin from hyperpigmentation. Mix these well and gently scrub the area for few minutes in a circular motion then wash off using lukewarm water. Don’t use deo for some time after the scrub.

4. Finally, the best remedy to get rid of dark underarms is to keep your body hydrated which will make skin suppled and healthy.

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