Dandruff is a major problem in winters. As winter starts falling the skin gets dry and you see white flaky stuff in hair which is commonly called as dandruff. Dandruff in winter is a major problem because if not treated well at a time then it may cause skin problems. There are few best ways to get rid of dandruff naturally which you should take care in order to stay away from dandruff

Always try to use lukewarm water to keep dandruff away and do regular shampooing. If you are going out then shampoo your hair in every 4-5 days and if sitting at home then every 6-7 days. Massage shampoo on hair scalp gently and then washes it.

You can get rid of dandruff naturally by using some home remedies. Like take two tbsp of fenugreek seed and soak in water overnight. In morning grind it and add two tbsp of Apple Cider Vinegar or one lemon juice. Mix it properly and apply this paste on scalp for 20 minutes then rinse off thoroughly. This is the best home remedy to remove dandruff

Coconut oil with marigold also works wonders in removing dandruff naturally. Mix 50 grams of marigold flower and 250 ml of coconut oil boil it together for 15 minutes and then add 2 pinches of camphor. Camphor contains anti-fungal properties which help in healing scalp fungus. Apply this oil regularly in hair scalp to remove dandruff completely.

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