Health Female Adda
8 years ago

Flat tummy is a goal that every woman aspires to live and maintain in their life. For this, they do a number of things like dieting and exercising. A chiseled and trimmed tummy can be easily attained if you just take care of few tricks in your everyday routine. Here are available few simple tricks to get and maintain flat tummy without an extra dieting and overdose of gymming –

Walk and talk
When you are over phone call then always try to follow a simple regime of walk and talk. You will never notice that you have walked a lot while being over a phone call. In this way, you can easily lose weights as well as you do not have to do anything extra.


Sit in Right Posture
Always sit in a straight posture. If you are habitual of sitting in a good posture then it will automatically provide you toned stomach muscles.  


Clean your House
Now getting cleaned house and a flat tummy is easy if you gear up to do it yourself. Yes! If you start cleaning your house yourself and your push back and forth actions will definitely tone down your tummy.

your house

Pre-book your menu
Whenever you plan to go out for dinner with friends and family then always pre-book your healthy menu in advance. It will keep you away from unhealthy diet and overindulgence in junk food. Order for sugar-free beverages and mineral water instead of sweet and unhealthy beverages.

Drink More Water
A life you keep your body well hydrated with enough water then it will cause your body to flush extra bloat held in it. Drink daily at least six to eight glass of water.

Eat Peanut Butter
One serving of peanut butter contains 2 gram of fiber and 8 gram of protein. You can try this easy recipe in your dinner for a flat tummy. For this, you need to take a half-cup of whole grain noodles and add three ounces cooked shrimp. Add minced scallions with ¼ cup sliced red bell pepper. Now topped it with a mixture of 2 tbsp peanut butter and two tbsp warm water, and a pinch of crushed red pepper flakes and your dinner is ready!


No Food Intake at Night
Never eats anything three to four hours before sleep because at night your body is less active and it keeps calories stored which you eat at night. So no food intake at night.

eat at night

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