Dry and flaky skin is the sign of winter. If you are one of those using creams and body lotions regularly, still have dry skin then it is good to opt for home remedies. The most important part of home remedies is that it has no side effects. In winter, these home remedies are perfect solution for dry and flaky skin –

Milk Cream – take 1 tbsp milk and 2 tbsp milk and few drops of lemon juice. Mix it properly then apply on the body and leave it. Lactic acid properties of milk are
very good option to exfoliate dry skin and to keep skin soft and moisturized.

Olive Oil – Olive oil is full of anti oxidants and fatty acids which work best for the dry and flaky skin. Before bath
takes massage from olive oil then after bathe use light moisturizing cream.
Yogurt – yogurt is an excellent skin hydrating agent and it contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties which soothe dry skin and itchy skin. Always use fresh yogurt in winter to massage your hands and feet and other skin parts. Gently massage on skin for around ten minutes then wash and it will make your skin refreshed.
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