Exfoliation For Each Skin Type

Sensitive Skin: - Those with sensitive skin should avoid exfoliation as it can irritation and redness.Therefore soft washcloth is recommended for sensitive skin.

Skin: - Those with combination skin can choose all types of exfoliation methods.They should exfoliate twice a week to remove the dead skin and keep the facial pores clean.

Skin: - For dry skin, mechanical and chemical exfoliation method are recommended. They should avoid using an exfoliator with ingredients which can make their skin drier.

Oily/Acne Prone
Skin: - For oily skin, exfoliation is quite beneficial to break down the impurities but they should avoid over exfoliation as it will dry out their skin and their skin will produce even more oils.Oily skin should prefer chemical exfoliators because physical exfoliators can irritate the acne and blemishes.

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