Do’s and don’ts for Healthy Hair

Do’s and dont's to Control Hair Fall Effectively


1. Coconut milk is best for hair fall, it's a good source of nutrients, massage with soft hands on the hairs to reduce hair fall.

2. Aloe Vera gel is beneficial for hair, do massage on the scalp. Wash hair properly and use conditioner for shiny hair.

3. The hot oil massage onto hair scalp helps in removing dandruff and increase root strength. Choose coconut, olive, almond, amla & mustard oil for scalp massage.

4. Neem & Amla Indian herbs are the best treatment for hair fall.

5. Use herbal hair pack for hair fall treatment it gives your hair nutrients.

6. Go for hair trimming for every one or two months.

7. Take diet full of vitamin and minerals for healthy hair.

The Dont's:

1. After wash don't rub your hair as it makes hair rough.

2. Don't tie your hair tightly with rubber band because it puts pressure on hairs root.

3. Don't wash your hair with hot water, use cold water or mild water.


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