Female Adda
7 years ago
Common Mistakes To Avoid While planning A new Baby

When a couple is trying to conceive they have to be very careful about their habits. So here we bring some of the most common mistakes you need to avoid while planning a baby.

Irregular Sex: - Having irregular sex is the top mistake a couple commits. If you are planning to get pregnant you need to know that right time as per menstrual cycle to
get pregnant. i.e. it is best to have sex before or during the time when you are ovulating. If you miss the right days it is of no use.

Avoiding Overall Health: - Health plays a vital role in your pregnancy. You not only have to take care of your reproductive health but also need to avoid unhealthy habits. Like indulging in smoking and drinking habits and unhealthy diet. All this can have a negative effect on your chances of conceiving.

Waiting For Too Long Before Seeking medical Advice: - Couples who are trying to conceive for more than a year but still couldn’t get pregnant need to see a specialist or seek medical advice as soon as possible especially if both of you are 35.Whereas if both of you are above 35 and trying then problem is even bigger for you.

Irregular periods: - If a woman has irregular periods or
missed periods then she might be suffering from PCOS which makes them less fertile. Whereas if a woman menstrual cycles continue for a long time then she has fewer chances of getting pregnant as she can ovulate only once per cycle. So if you have irregular periods and you trying to conceive, it is best to see your doctor.

Using Lubricants: - Lubricants can sometimes hinder the chances of conceiving. External lubricants are not that safe so it is advised to use sperm friendly lubricants or natural oils like olive oil or coconut oil.

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