Female Adda
8 years ago
British Man to Become First UK Male to Give Birth

British Man to Become First UK Male to Give Birth
In London, a British transgender male named Hayden Cross is going to be the first male to give birth. He was born female and later he decided to opt for gender transition and he is half way in his treatment for gender transition to transform completely from female to male and suddenly one day he decided to have baby.
Hayden cross is living legally as man for three years and have been getting unemployment benefits from UK government. When he expressed his desire to freeze his eggs, which he might use in future to have his baby then he was refused of doing this by National Health Service of UK as it will cost a 4,000 pounds. But finally he got a sperm donor on social media website Facebook and now after successful pregnancy, he is ready to give birth in few months as per reported by ‘The Sun’ daily tabloid newspaper published in the United Kingdom and Ireland.
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