Natural makeup remover is easy to make at home. You can make natural makeup remover using home products like olive oil and coconut oil and much more. The main benefit of using best natural makeup remover is that it cleanses your skin naturally as well as keep skin moisturized and also does not cost much to your pocket. Here are given few best natural makeup remover for glowing and suppled skin –

Raw Milk – Milk is a very good natural makeup remover. Like other chemical based makeup remover, milk does not make skin dry. The fat in milk helps to keep skin hydrated and also allows skin to retain its
moisturiser. Take a bowl and pour 1 tbsp olive oil and 4 tbsp raw milk. Mix it well. Now take a cotton ball and rub it all over the face. It will remove all makeup and leave skin to feel refreshed.

Cucumber Juice – Anti-inflammatory properties of cucumber makes it most apt choice for makeup removal. Cucumber soothes irritated and acne prone skin. Take a cucumber and blend it into a paste. Now rub this paste on the face in circular motion for removing makeup.

Yogurt - yogurt relieves in sunburn and works as a great
moisturiser for skin.  Take a clean cotton ball and dip it into yogurt then rub it on the face to clean makeup. Then rinse off with lukewarm water.
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