Sundar Ray
8 years ago
Aloe and Cranberry Juice Cleanse

In "The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth," Dr. Jonny Bowden recognizes aloe vera juice for its health-enhancing and medicinal properties. Aloe vera juice is widely used internally to cleanse the bloodstream and digestive tract. Aloe vera juice contains minerals, vitamins and amino acids that support your body during cleansing. In "The Fat Flush Plan," author Ann Louise Gittleman recommends unsweetened cranberry juice during cleansing. Cranberry juice contains phytonutrients that support the detoxification of your digestive, lymphatic and circulatory systems. According to Gittleman, drinking cranberry juice and water throughout the day is beneficial to your diet. Supplement these juices with a well-balanced diet.

In "The Fat Flush Plan," cranberry juice provides nutritional support for the detoxification pathways in your body. The kidneys, liver, gallbladder and bloodstream all play a role in cleansing the body. Cranberry juice acts as a powerful diuretic by increasing the frequency of urination. Arbutin is the active ingredient that directs the kidneys to flush out water that your body has retained. According to Ann Louise Gittleman, drinking cranberry juice and water ensures that your kidneys and lymphatic system have the right amount of fluids needed to properly remove wastes. Gittleman says to purchase unsweetened cranberry juice and avoid brands that contain corn syrup or aspartame. To prepare your cranberry water, fill two 32-ounce water bottles with four ounces of unsweetened cranberry juice and 28 ounces of water. Drink your two bottles of cranberry water throughout the day to cleanse accumulated wastes and eliminate water retention.

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