7 Attractive Makeup Tips For Different Lip Shapes:The definition of makeup starts from the lips and also end with the lips. Lipstick brings shine and glows on the face. All have different types of face same as Lips have also different types of shape. A good lip makeup can attract others.
We have some attractive makeup tips for the different lip shapes.. & some have a description.
1. Top Heavy Lips
2. Bottom Heavy Lips
3. Uneven Lips
4. Flat Lips
5. Thin Lips
6. Overlarge Lips
7. Small Lips
Top HeavyLips: Makeup of Top Heavy Lips is simple. Firstly we should out line to our lips with the natural shape and then apply the lipstick. One thing we should keep in mind always use the same colour of lipstick as well as a lip liner.
Bottom Heavy Lips: Bottom Heavy Lips attracts others so much. In this, we can make better bottom heavy lips to use same lip colour on the upper lip and lower lip as well.
Uneven Lips: Uneven lips is if our lower and upper lip shape and size do not match. Tips for manage Uneven lips we should apply lip outline very well on the lower & upper lips. Fill the lips with smudge lip liner with slow hand.
Flat Lips: To make flat our lips, we have to choose light & soft color for the lips. We can give a good shape by using some trick, we should start to fill colour from the corner. Omber lip effect will best for Flat lips.
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