5 home remedies to vanish blackheads

5 home remedies to vanish Blackheads

Blackheads make skin look dark and dull. Blackheads are created when open skin pores get clogged with excess oil secretion from sebaceous glands and dead skin cells. Some may suggest that scrubbing is good option to get rid of blackheads but excessive scrub will also harm the skin and make skin dry, creating more oil secretion. Here are few proven home remedies which will help you to get rid of blackheads –

Baking soda – Baking soda is a commonly used kitchen item and is found in every home. Regular use of baking soda will eliminate blackheads completely. Take one tablespoon of baking soda and water. Mix them together to make a paste and massage this paste in a circular motion on your face. Thereafter rinse off with cold water and pat dry. Use
moisturiser. Do not use baking soda for more than 2 to 3 times in a week because it has high PH which may make skin over dry.

Honey and milk – Honey contain anti-bacterial ingredients and milk contains lactic acid for soft skin. Take one tablespoon of milk and honey each and mix it well together. Now heat it in the microwave for 10 seconds. When it gets cool enough to apply then spread it over blackheads area and leave for at least 20 minutes. Now put a strip of clean cloth over it and press it to stick onto it. When it gets dry then peel the strip and rinse off with cold water.

Tea tree oil – Tea tree oil is very effective in blackhead and acne removal. You can apply it directly on affected areas like nose and chin or mix it with your face cream. It kills bacteria very effectively and keeps skin clear.

Brown sugar, honey and lemon – Mix of brown sugar, honey and lemon juice works well in vanishing blackheads from your nose and chin. Massage it in the circular motion for five minutes and then rinse off with cold water. Apply
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Green tea – Green tea is an antioxidant and use of it will reduce oil production. Mix one tbsp green tea with one tbsp water and massage on face in circular motion. After that rinse it off with water and apply
moisturiser. It can be used for two to three times a week.  

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