Health Swati Panwar
8 years ago
10 Super Foods for Healthy Heart That You Must know

10 Super Foods for Healthy Heart That You Must know! : Heart is the most precious organ of our body. Human has only one heart, that's why you should take care of your heart so much. The heart is an essential organ for pumping the blood, it can understand our feeling as well as love.
Here are 10 foods name for healthy heart...

1. Black Beans for Blood Sugar Control
2. Salmons to Keep Blood Pressure Under Check
3. Tuna Fish for Low BP Patients
4. Tofu for No Cholesterol Regime
5. Sweet Potato for a Healthy Heart
6. Swiss Chard for High Blood Pressure
7. Barley – Heart Friendly Cereal
8. Blueberries Prevents Heart Diseases
9. Oatmeal Checks Cholesterol Levels
10. Almond – All Time Favorite for a Good Heart


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