Privacy Policies and Terms & Conditions


A) Effectiveness:-

This privacy policies and terms & conditions is effective as of 6th November ,2015 and subsequently amended on 12th September, 2016, 26th November, 2016 and 22th December, 2016.
The Company (‘BFOA’,‘FemaleAdda’, ‘’, ‘Bellissa’, ‘site’ ‘Web Site’, ‘Mobile Apps’, ‘we’, ‘us’, ‘the Company’) values your privacy. In this Privacy Policy ("Policy"), we describe the information that we collect about you when you visit our website, (the ‘Website’ or ‘site’) or Mobile Application  ‘FemaleAdda’ (‘Site’) and use the services available on the Website and Mobile Application ("Services" in both the cases), and how we use and disclose that information.

B) Terms of use-

i) User(/s):-

a) Established Service Providers- Being a Proprietorship Business Concern, Partnership Firm, LLP, HUF, Trust, and Company running business of beauty care, skin care, hair care, Spa, therapy, Ladies cloth Stitching, Fitness and / or medical practice for female.

b) An Individual Beautician, Barber, Makeup Artist, Tailor, Fashion Designer, Fitness Trainer, Masseuse, Masseur, Doctors, Therapist, Cosmetologist and Other Medical Practitioners.

c) A customer or a Service Receiver

d) Bloggers or free lancers for posting of reviews, comments, contents, articles, news, pictures, video etc.

e) All any other persons (includes non individuals) who use our site for any activities includes but not limited post reviews, comments, contents, articles, news, pictures, video etc.

ii) Site - Website, Mobile Application, Software or Services represents

iii) Registered User - Any user(/s) who has been registered on site by creating account.

iv) Guest User(/s) - All other user(/s) on site other than registered user(/s).

v) Use/(s) - Booking of Service, Buying products, Shopping, listing, posting, log in into site, browsing site, downloading mobile applications, updating mobile application, 'downloading, uploading or copy any contents, pics, video etc.'

C) Acceptance:-Please read carefully the terms & conditions ('Terms') and the privacy policies available at Before using the site and/or registering with us, you agreed and give consent to your acceptance and understanding of the terms. If you do not agree to these terms you may not use our website or mobile application.

By using this site, you irrevocably accept all the terms & conditions stipulated in this Agreement and agreed to abide by them. This Agreement supersedes all previous oral and written terms and conditions (if any) communicated to you. By availing any Service or site visit or even using our site for any purposes, you signify your consent to this Agreement.

These Terms & Conditions, Privacy Policies and Listing & Posting Policies together constitute a Legal Agreement ('Agreement') between you and the company in connection with your visit, accessing, browsing, listing, posting, Buying, Selling, Service Booking on the site and your use of the services Your access to use of the Site and the Services will be solely at the discretion of FemaleAdda.

The Agreement is published in compliance of, and is governed by the provisions of Indian law, including but not limited to:

  1. the Indian Contract Act, 1872,
  2. the (Indian) Information Technology Act, 2000, and
  3. the rules, regulations, guidelines and clarifications framed there under, including the (Indian) Information Technology (Reasonable Security Practices and Procedures and Sensitive Personal Information) Rules, 2011 (the SPI Rules), and the (Indian) Information Technology (Intermediaries Guidelines) Rules, 2011 (the IG Rules).

If you have any questions or comments about the terms of use, please write to us at

D) Applicability:-

This Agreement applies to you, whether you are -

  1. A Service Providers, our Service Franchisee, Agent, Advertiser (whether an individual or an organization) wishing to be listed or already listed on the website.
  2. A Customer or Service Receiver wishing to get registered himself /herself as user/customer/Service receiver or already registered and / or any Guest User.
  3. Other User ('User'), intend to use or uses our site for posting, listing, comments or for any other purposes.

Use of or Mobile Application FemaleAdda, either by registration or by any other means, is available only to persons, who are Citizens of the Republic of India, who are 18 years of age and above and persons who can enter into a legally binding contract, and or are not barred by any law for the time being in force. If you access 'FemaleAdda', either by registration on the Site or by any other means, not as an individual but on behalf of a legal entity, you represent that you are fully authorized to do so and the listing, posting or information placed on the site on behalf of the legal entity is your responsibility and you agree to be accountable for the same to other users of the Site.

E) Personal Information & Privacy Policy

Personal information is defined to include information that whether on its own or in combination with other information may be used to readily identify or contact you such as: name, address, email address, phone number, age, genders etc., collected during your account registration process, survey conducted by the company or its group concerns or by third parties, social media (Facebook, twitter etc) through which you created your account, your service listing, posting, feedback, comments, review or discussions you post in any blogs, chat room or from any other sources which directly or indirectly relates to or concerns with matters and/or services of FemaleAdda.

This privacy policy describes how we handle your personal information. We collect, use, and share personal information to help FemaleAdda Website and Mobile Application work and to keep it safe (details below). In simple words, FemaleAdda, acting itself and through its subsidiaries or group concerns, is the data controller of your personal information.

We use users' personal information -

  1. To provide our services,
  2. Resolve disputes, collect service price, and troubleshoot problem,
  3. Encourage safe transaction and enforce our policies,
  4. Customize users' experience, measure interest in our services, and inform users about services and updates,
  5. Communicate marketing and promotional offers to you
  6. Do other things for users as described when we collect the information.

Disclosure -

  1. Information we collect is safely keeps in our custody and do not disclose or share it to/with third parties or external organization except our group companies.
  2. We value users privacy and important for us. We do not and shall not at any point in time, either sell or rent users’ personal information to third parties or external organizations without users’ explicit consent. 
  3. We may be required from time to time to disclose users’ personal information to Governmental or law enforcing agencies or our regulators, but we will only do so under proper authority.
  4. We also reserves the right to make use of the personal information in any investigation or judicial process relating to fraud on account of such transactions during the period FemaleAdda retains such information.
  5. We may also disclose personal information to enforce our policies, respond to claims that a posting or other content violates other’s rights, or protects anyone’s rights, property or safety.
  6. We may also share your information with your legal consultants and service providers.
  7. As we participate in third party ad networks that may display advertisements on other websites based on your visits to our Site as well as other websites and applications. This enables us and these third parties to target advertisements by displaying ads for products and services in which you might be interested. Third party ad network providers, advertisers, sponsors and/or traffic measurement services may use cookies, JavaScript, web beacons (including clear GIFs), Flash LSOs and other technologies to measure the effectiveness of their ads and to personalize advertising content to you. These third party cookies and other technologies are governed by each third party's specific privacy policy, and not by FemaleAdda’s Policy. We may provide these third-party advertisers with information about your usage of our Site and our services, as well as aggregate or non-personally identifiable information about visitors to our Site and users of our service.

Updating, deleting and correction of Personal Information-

You may choose to restrict the collection or use of your personal information in the following ways:

You can review, correct and delete your personal information by logging into the Website and navigating to your preferences page in "Edit Profile." You must promptly update your personal information if it changes or is inaccurate. Typically, we will not manually alter your personal information because it is very difficult to verify your identity remotely. Nonetheless, upon your request we will close your Account and remove your personal information from view as soon as reasonably possible based on your Account activity and in accordance with applicable law. We do retain information from closed Accounts in order to comply with the law, prevent fraud, collect any fees owed, resolve disputes, troubleshoot problems, assist with any investigations of any Registered User, enforce our Terms of Use, and take any other actions otherwise permitted by law that we deem necessary in our sole and absolute discretion. You should understand, however, that once you publicly post a Request, Offer, Want, Feedback, or any other information onto the Website, you may not be able to change or remove it. Once we have deleted or removed your Account, you agree that FemaleAdda shall not be responsible for any personal information that was not included within your deleted and/or removed Account that remains on the Website.

F) Understand about us and our Service and liability limit:-

a) The Web Site, Mobile Application and other Services can be used to facilitate the listing and booking of various  services which are specifically for Female. Such Services are included in Listings on the Site and Services by Service providers. You may view Listings as an unregistered visitor to the Site also; however, if you wish to book a service or create a Listing, you must first register to create an Account( called ‘Registered Member’ after approval of registration).

As stated above, FemaleAdda makes available a platform or marketplace with related technology for Indian Female users and Service providers to meet online and arrange for bookings of Services. FemaleAdda is not an owner or operator of Services (as listed). FemaleAdda’s role is solely to facilitate the Service availability in the Site. Similarly, FemaleAdda is not a contracting agent or representative of any Service providers. Instead, FemaleAdda’s role is solely to facilitate the availability of the Website, Mobile Application and other Services for its registered members and to provide services related thereto.

b) As stated above (a) we are not service providers for the services listed in our site. A Service Providers are separate Person (Individual or Organisation) who uses our Site to list his products or services for customers or users. We are running a Booking Platform through internet ( between service providers and Service Receivers/Customers/Users. In some cases we charge fixed % service charges for the use of our site from Service Providers, our Service Franchisee, Agent, Advertiser, Customer or Service Receiver, or any other user. Service charges revise from time to time and communicated to all users of the site through Email or SMS or updating at

c) The information that you receive, obtain and get to know from our site and its employee, Service providers, franchisee, channel partners, contractors, Sponsors, advertisers or from any other person is for informal and logistic purposes only. Your use of information and services listed on the site are solely at your own risk.

d) We do not recommend or endorse any specific service to use or select any specific Service providers. If you rely on any of the information or services listed in the site , you do so solely at your own choice and risk.

e) Our liability only to the extend of booking amount paid by you at our site for the services booked, only in case if the service providers were not able to serve you.

f) We can not assure you on behalf of service providers about their quality of services, punctuality, products they use. But our Management always appreciates for your feedback and we try our best to list only Quality Service providers.

g) Usage of our Brand name and/or logo FemaleAdda or Bellissa by service providers at their place of services or at home service (at their T-Shirts, Shirts, paints or at any places of their apparels, and/or at Sign board, banners etc) , doesnot means they are our own employee ( unless have employee ID Card), company shop/Service center ( unless they have Certificate from Company) or  Franchisee, contractor, agents ( unless they have agreement copy).

h) The Company does not own any outlet, shop or Service center for the services listed in the site.

G) Modification/Amendment:-

FemaleAdda reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to modify the Website, Mobile Application or Services and/or to bring amendment with modifications and / or additions or deletions of clauses of the 'Terms & Conditions and Policies', 'Listing and posting policies' and 'Disclaimers' (including the Booking fee / Service Charges), at any time and without prior notice. If we modify the 'Terms & Conditions and Policies', 'Listing and posting policies' and 'Disclaimers', we will publish the amended copy on the Site. We will also update the Amended Date at the top of this amended copy. Your use of the Website, Mobile Application or Services following any such modification constitutes your agreement to follow and be bound by the Agreement so modified. Any additional terms and conditions, disclaimers, privacy policies, listing & posting policies and other policies applicable in general and/ or to specific areas of this Site or to particular Service are also considered as part of the Agreement. If the modified Terms are not acceptable to you, your only recourse is to cease using the Site, Mobile Application and Services.

h) Booking & Financial terms for Service providers:-

  1. You will comply and abide by acceptance of Listing & posting policies ( as stated separately).
  2. If your services are listed and booking is requested against your listing via Website, Mobile Application or other services, you are bound to provide service with Quality & punctuality and maintain professionalism in your body language, attitude and behavior with customers.
  3. You will be required to provide services on time without any delay. Your first priority is to serve online booking customers.
  4. You will not charge anything extra, other than the price mentioned or declared on the site from customers. You will be required to provide services exactly booked by customers through site. For any extra service, provided on post booking, you have to charge as per rates declared in the site and inform the company immediately. Company will provide that extra service billing and you are required to remit the Booking fee / service charges in our bank account as per Company policy or MOU signed separately.
  5. Booking confirmations will be provided to you immediately after booking done via sms/email (mentioning Customer's Name, Appointment time & date, contact No and service details etc) . You are required to check sms/email time to time.
  6. Company may enter into separate MOU on letter head of either party or on plain paper with seal sign of authorized signatory or on Non Judicial stamp paper with few exclusive clauses to build business relation stronger. Signing of MOU does not give relieve to service provider from other clauses of the company Terms & Conditions and Policies.
  7. Company may ask to issue separate letter for authorizing as 'online booking partner'.
  8. Our Booking fee / service charges may vary with each Service providers as per separate MOU signed or mentioned on the service provider's admin panel.
  9. Service or products price as mentioned on the site includes Service tax, luxury tax, Booking fee / Service charges ( as applicable). Company display gross price per unit with Discount separately thereon ( if available from service provider's side). Company may charge on Service providers for online payment gateway transaction fee not more than 3%+ applicable taxes on amounts transacted through payment and may bill separately.
  10. On a particular day or for few days or even for a particular time period in day, if your service or shop/outlet is closed. It is your duty to login into your admin account and manage services and must shut/remove/deactivate your services from listing for that day or for that particular period of time. Your listing will turn into inactive temporarily for that period and you will not be able to receive any booking.
  11. Once booking done against your listing, you can not cancel or deny the service. In case, due to some unavoidable circumstances you are not able to provide service or forget to login into your account and manage services and shut/remove/deactivate your services from listing, prior intimation to company customer care is must and you have to arrange alternate service provider which is nearby you or also you can take the help of the company customer care to arrange the same. Any difference in the price has to be borne by you in that case.
  12. Payment Option and Mode-
  13. To ensure confirm booking, The Company has taken secured third party payment gateway and authorized to collect payment in three mode of transactions-

    a) Full Payment online.

    b) Partly payment online and rest pay at the time of service taken.

    c) Pay Later - Book online and pay full at the time of service taken.

    By this terms and conditions, company and service provider agreed to remit respective party's due within 7 business working days by Cash/Cheque/Bank transfer. Maximum Cash Payment allowed in either case Rs 20,000/- per day.

  14. Accounts Statements & Booking Info- Company shall send Monthly/yearly accounts statement by E-mail or By Post within 15th of following month. Updated accounts statement, bills and all booking information shall be made available on service provider's admin panel.
  15. If the company tie up with any other companies for brand promotion and marketing and betterment in service and / or offer them and their customers, employee & associates any discount, you have to be agreed on that and consequently you must give effect by discount % on your price for them.
  16. If we declare or start any promotion and offer discount to existing customers or for to attract new customers, you have to be agreed on that and consequently you must give effect by discount % on your price for a particular period.
  17. Customers have the right to cancel or postpone her booking. You have to accept the postponed date of appointment and any difference in rates/fee on to be settle by customer at the time of service taken. You must accept & comply Cancellation & Refund policies and of postponement /reschedule policies ( as mentioned separately
  18. Our authorized affiliate partners and/or channel partners may use your services listed on FemaleAdda website through affiliate programs or API integration. And booking done at their website is deemed to be booked from FemaleAdda.
I) Booking & Financial terms for Customers or service receivers:-
  1. Before you proceeds for booking you must have to submit your Full Name, Complete address Area and city, mobile no (which is in use), email ID. You cannot provide any wrong information or you cannot use information of other persons.
  2. You can book service being a Registered Member/User or as Guest User. You can also register to join by logging into your account with certain third party social networking sites (SNS) (including, but not limited to, Facebook); each such account, a Third Party Account, via our Website or Mobile Application, as described below. As part of the functionality of the Website, Mobile Application and Services, you may link your FemaleAdda Account with Third Party Accounts, by either: (i) providing your Third Party Account login information to FemaleAdda through the Website, Mobile Application and services; or (ii) allowing FemaleAdda to access your Third Party Account, as is permitted under the applicable terms and conditions that govern your use of each Third Party Account. You represent that you are entitled to disclose your Third Party Account login information to FemaleAdda and/or grant FemaleAdda access to your Third Party Account (including, but not limited to, for use for the purposes described herein), without breach by you of any of the terms and conditions that govern your use of the applicable Third Party Account and without obligating FemaleAdda to pay any fees or making FemaleAdda subject to any usage limitations imposed by such third party service providers. By granting FemaleAdda access to any Third Party Accounts, you understand that FemaleAdda will access, make available and store (if applicable) any Content that you have provided to and stored in your Third Party Account ("SNS Content") so that it is available on and through the Website, Mobile Application and services via your FemaleAdda Account and FemaleAdda Account profile page. Unless otherwise specified in these Terms, all SNS Content, if any, shall be considered to be Member Content for all purposes of these Terms. Depending on the Third Party Accounts you choose and subject to the privacy settings that you have set in such Third Party Accounts, personally identifiable information that you post to your Third Party Accounts will be available on and through your FemaleAdda Account on the Website, Mobile Application and services. Please note that if a Third Party Account or associated service becomes unavailable or FemaleAdda's access to such Third Party Account is terminated by the third party service provider, then SNS Content will no longer be available on and through the Website, Mobile Application and services. You have the ability to disable the connection between your FemaleAdda Account and your Third Party Accounts, at any time, by accessing the Settings section of the Website, Mobile Application and services.
  3. PLEASE NOTE THAT YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH THE THIRD PARTY SERVICE PROVIDERS ASSOCIATED WTH YOUR THIRD PARTY ACCOUNTS IS GOVERNED SOLELY BY YOUR AGREEMENT (S) WITH SUCH THIRD PARTY SERVICE PROVIDERS. FemaleAdda makes no effort to review any SNS Content for any purpose, including but not limited to, for accuracy, legality or non-infringement and FemaleAdda is not responsible for any SNS Content.

  4. You can create your FemaleAdda Account and your FemaleAdda Account profile page for your use of the Website and Mobile Application based upon the personal information you provide to us or that we obtain via an SNS as described above. You may not have more than one (1) active FemaleAdda Account. You agree to provide accurate, current and complete information during the registration process and to update such information to keep it accurate, current and complete. FemaleAdda reserves the right to suspend or terminate your FemaleAdda Account and your access to the website, Mobile Application and Services if you create more than one (1) FemaleAdda Account or if any information provided during the registration process or thereafter proves to be inaccurate, not current or incomplete. You are responsible for safeguarding your password. You agree that you will not disclose your password to any third party and that you will take sole responsibility for any activities or actions under your FemaleAdda Account, whether or not you have authorized such activities or actions. You will immediately notify FemaleAdda of any unauthorized use of your FemaleAdda Account.
  5. The Service Providers are solely responsible for honoring any confirm bookings and make available any services booked through the website, Mobile Application and Services. If you, as a customers/user/service receiver, choose to enter into a transaction with a Service Provider for the booking of Services, you agree and understand that you will be required to enter into an agreement with the Service Provider and you agree to accept any terms, conditions, rules and restrictions associated with such services imposed by the Service provider. You acknowledge and agree that you, and not FemaleAdda, will be responsible for performing the obligations of any such agreements, and FemaleAdda is not a party to such agreements and disclaims all liability arising from or related to any such agreements.
  6. You agreed to pay FemaleAdda Fully or Partially through Net Banking, credit card, Debit Card, Mobile Wallets, Discount Coupons, Vouchers or Reward Points Redeem, membership pack or any other mode of payment as accepted by FemaleAdda. You can also Book and pay later to Service Providers directly at the time of service you wish to take in cash and Debit/Credit card only. Payment through Cheques and DD not acceptable.
  7. You agreed to pay FemaleAdda and/or Service providers the prices/rates/feesas per mentioned on website or Mobile application plus applicable taxes (if any).
  8. Must Comply with Cancellation & Refund and Postponement/Reschedule Policies as stated separately (
  9. On booking, you will get notification of confirmation of your booking through sms/email or on call. If you do not received within 1 hour (of booking or service which ever is earlier) because of any technical issues, you are advised to contact our customer care contact no as mentioned on the site ( between 9.30 am to 7.00 pm) and get the status of your booking.
  10. In connection with your requested booking, you will be asked to provide customary billing information such as name, billing address, Contact no, Email I'd and credit or debit card information either to FemaleAdda or its third party payment processor. You agree to pay FemaleAdda for any confirmed bookings made in connection with your FemaleAdda Account in accordance with these Terms by one of the methods described on the terms. You hereby authorize the collection of such amounts by charging the credit/debit card, net banking or any wallets provided as part of requesting the booking, either directly by FemaleAdda or indirectly, via a third party online payment processor or by one of the payment methods described on the Website or Mobile Application. You also authorize FemaleAdda to charge your credit/debit card, net banking or any wallets in the event of financial damage caused at reservation of services as contemplated under "Damage to Services" below and for Security Deposits, if applicable. If you are directed to FemaleAdda's third party payment processor, you may be subject to terms and conditions governing use of that third party's service and that third party's personal information collection practices. Please review such terms and conditions and privacy policy before using the services. Once your confirmed booking transaction is complete you will receive a confirmation email summarizing your confirmed booking.
  11. If you do not attend on or before your schedule time of appointment. Your appointment will automatically cancel without any refund. It is advised you to attend on time and contact service provider prior to reach.
  12. We cannot guarantee the availability of service providers at any particular time. It is always advised, once you book through our Website or Mobile Application or service, contact your service providers and ensure make availability along with the details of your booking. Service Providers contact information and address will be send to you through sms/email, if not send then you can collect it from our customer care on office time
  13. We strongly advised you to perform your own investigation prior to selection of any services and /or service providers.
  14. We also advice you to give review, comments and rating of service taken and /or service providers you have visited, which will help other users & FemaleAdda to improve and short out any defect in services.
  15. Rates or prices may be changed any time with sole discretion of the company or service providers.

J) Cancellation & Refund and Postponement of Service booked:-

Cancellation and Reschedule is acceptable only from Registered members in compliance with other below terms and conditions:-

a) Cancellation & Refund :-

Cancellation of booking is allowed at any time before scheduled date and time of Service with below terms and conditions:

  1. Cancel prior 4 hours to scheduled time - Charges 5% of Total Bill value.
  2. Cancel within 4 hours of scheduled time - No refund is admissible.
  3. No refund is applicable, in case of Deals/Membership Pack purchase and loading of money in PayBeauty wallet.

Refund will be credited to your FemaleAdda PayBeauty Wallet.

If you choose option 'Pay Later' and cancel your booking, the same rule applicable as stated above. In this case cancellation charges shall recover from you through demand letter, utilizing your 'PayBeauty Wallet' balance or chargeable with your next service billing.

b) Postponement/Reschedule Policies:-

Booking can be postpone upto maximum 2 times within 15 days without any charge. Once you choose option to postpone, your right to cancellation of booking will expire with immediately effect and no refund will be granted later on if you do not avail your service within 15 days.

K) Promotional Scheme:-

a) Refer-Your-Friends:- Usage Terms & Conditions. Subject to other terms and conditions and policies this promotional scheme is setup with below specific additional terms and conditions-

i) Once you Signup and complete your personal details with FemaleAdda - Your FemaleAdda PayBeauty Wallet activates instantly and will be eligible to receive credits.

ii) When your friend accepts your invitation and signs up with FemaleAdda using your referral code - Both of you will get credit of Rs. 100/- in PayBeauty Wallet once your friend spends worth Rs 1,000/- at

iii) Spending amounts of Rs. 1,000/- is basic cost of the services or products which excludes Booking fee/Convenience fee/Taxes

iv) FemaleAdda PayBeauty Wallet can only be used within the FemaleAdda system and is not meant to serve as an alternate currency.

v) Under the Refer-Your- Friend, you are eligible to accumulate referral credits from unlimited friends or relatives. Invite more, Earn More.

vi) Refer-Your- Friend feature is for web and app users.

vii) Sometime instant credit may not be possible due to technical or some other factors, though our effort is to credit your referral money instantly.

viii) FemaleAdda Refer-Your- Friend promo is meant to reward our FemaleAdda fans for spreading the Feminine Portal (Web & App) amongst their friends and family, and not meant for accumulating credits through broadcasting on a webpage, a blog or any other mass anonymous communication medium or through means similar to affiliate programs or any means for commercial gains.

ix) As a FemaleAdda user, you can have one unique login. Creating duplicate emails, signing-in from multiple devices, multiple sign-ins from a device and having more than one PayBeauty Wallet account per user in order to unduly gain referral credits is not appropriate and we will not honor such codes.

x) If at any point, FemaleAdda verifies the usage of the promo code which violates the Terms & Conditions or is abusive to the spirit of the referral program, FemaleAdda reserves the sole right to suspend the user from the program and suspension of PayBeauty Wallet account or reversal of gained FemaleAdda credits, as determined by FemaleAdda.

xi) For any further questions on FemaleAdda Refer-Your- Friend promos or issues with credits please write to us at

xii) FemaleAdda reserves the sole right to modify, terminate or extend the Refer-Your- Friend promotion and any particulars of the promotion, as the promo duration, referral credit amount, region and Service providers associated with it.

b) Coupon Discount or Gift Vouchers:-

FemaleAdda from time to time or on festival season or in case of any other occasion, issues promotional offers or Discounts to its customers through use of Gift voucher or Coupons with below conditions-

i) Usage of Gift voucher or Coupons is subject to minimum transaction value carrying on its face.

ii) Discount may be in % or fixed amount.

iii) Membership pack subscriber cannot avail this benefit together with Membership pack application.

iv) Only one Gift voucher or Coupon can be redeemed at a time.

v) Gift voucher or Coupon may have validity period.

vi) Gift voucher or Coupon may be applicable for specific service/s or product/s or for selected cities only.

c) Cash Back Scheme:-

In cash back scheme, amount is remitted into PayBeauty Wallet within 180 days, subject to fulfillment of minimum order value booked. In some cases, there must have certain maximum cap for Cash Back.

d) Festive Scheme:-

On festive occasions (Diwali, Durga Pooja, Karwa chauth, Womens Day, Mother's day, Valentine day, Republic Day, Independence Day, New Year etc), company introduces promotional scheme for the boost of sales and booking with some attractive features for customers with or without certain specific terms and conditions separately attached with the Scheme. Products, services, gifts coupons, promo vouchers, pictures uses or any kind of communication made therein shall be understood as varies with actual offer. It is the customer's responsibility to know exact information from the customer care over call or email, before booking services or buy Pack or products.

Company has sole discretion to modify or withdraw the scheme at any time for the benefits of the company and its operation. In case of Scheme withdraw, any money if already spend by customers on 'site' to avail the scheme shall be credited to their PayBeauty Wallet (FemaleAdda wallet) and the same could be utilize to book their services available on website only.

Some cases company also offers to buy add on services along with the schemes, which shall be understood as made available with extra prices to be payable at the time of subscribing, buying or booking of the services or products.

L) PayBeauty Wallet:-

Subject to the other terms and conditions of the company, FemaleAdda provides the facility of transacting through an online PayBeauty wallet (Wallet) to its registered customers (Customers) with the following features and terms:

a. Upon cancellation of previously booked services or shopping, the Customers would be accorded to get the amount refunded in their PayBeautyWallet.

b. The amounts available in the Wallet may be used by the Customer for making online booking or shopping on FemaleAdda only. Cash withdrawal or redemption is not allowed.

c. The present form and format of Wallet, proposed for issuance by FemaleAdda to its Customers, is modeled on a Closed System Prepaid Payment Instrument.

d. As PayBeauty wallets does not facilitate payments and settlement for third party services.

e. As PayBeauty wallet does not facilitate payments and settlement for third party services, the issue and operation of such closed system payment instruments do not classify as payment systems as defined in section 2(i) of the Act (In accordance with the Payment and Settlement Systems Act, 2007 (Act) and the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Master Circular on Policy Guidelines on Issuance and Operation of Pre-paid Payment Instruments in India dated 1st July 2015(Guidelines). Thus issuances of closed system pre-paid payment instruments are exempted from the purview of the Guidelines.

f. PayBeauty Wallets can be recharge with your Net Banking/Debit/Credit Cards or any other third party wallets. Cheque, Demand Draft, RTGS, NEFT mode of payment not accepted.

g. KYC Norms: KYC requirement is must for registered members whose value of PayBeauty Wallets is Rs 10,000 or more at any time. Wallet usage can be suspended temporarily until fulfillment of KYC norms. KYC Documents: upload online a) Photograph, complete profile data with full address, PAN Card copy, Address proof (passport/driving licence/voter ID/Adhar Card).

h. The offer cash back or cash rewards given by FemaleAdda into Wallet will not be refundable on cancellation of any booking or shopping.

i. Maximum cash limit for transaction in PayBeauty Wallet is Rs 50,000 /-.

j. Any amount lying unused in the wallet for more than 2 years will be blocked and unclaimed amount will be forfeited.

M) Membership Packs Subscription:-

Subject to the other terms and conditions of the company, FemaleAdda prescribe certain specific terms & Conditions for usage of the Membership Packs Subscription-

a. Membership Pack- An open buying option to its subscribers within its monthly and yearly limit of subscription amounts. Membership Pack benefits carrying special Discounts, Free services and Cash Back.

b. Utilisation of membership pack is subject to monthly limit as prescribed on the pack.

c. Membership pack is having validity period of 3, 6, & 12 months as prescribed against each pack.

d. Upon subscription of Membership pack, a system generated Membership Identification number (MIN) is allotted which should be kept safely for shopping reference. Membership subscription pack can be utilise to make payment applying MIN and verify OTP on registered mobile number.

e. If Paying through MIN, other benefits of Coupon Discount, Gift Vouchers etc.cannot be availed at a time.

f. MIN is valid only for Online booking at on its web portal or mobile application.

g. Free home service benefit available only on First Come First Serve basis subject to availability of slots on selected booking date and time. Make ensure you book your free service sufficient in advance. Cancellation & Reschedule not permissible in this case. Free service will lapse once you book and do not avail or cancel.

h. Cash Back will be credited to your bank account on next renewal/ new subscription with below terms and conditions-

i) You are entitled for Cash Back, i) once you renew or subscribe for new membership pack ( value not less than existing or past subscribed pack) after expiry of your existing membership pack/ MIN or after fully exhaust of membership pack balance and ii) Introduce at least one new members to subscribe membership pack

ii) 50% of your Entitled cash back will be due on after 90 days of due date of expiry of membership pack.

iii) Balance 50% of your Entitled cash back will be due on after 180 days of due date of expiry of membership pack.

iv) You have the option to get cash back in your PayBeauty Wallet instead of Bank account or Company may at its sole discretion may opt to credit cash back in Wallet.

i. Membership Identification Number and / or Membership Pack is not a negotiable instrument and non transferable.

j. MIN is your property and you are solely responsible for its utilisation in Do not disclose this number to third party.

k. Membership Pack once subscribed cannot be refunded.

l. Membership Pack's validity is not extendable.

m. Unused membership Pack balance will lapse on expiry of its validity date. However you are still entitled to benefits of cash back subject to compliance of clause (8).

n. Multiple Membership pack can be subscribed. Each separate MIN will be allotted with each pack.

o. Company has sole discretion and right to withdraw or modify scheme and any clause of the scheme at any time without any prior notice.

p. Booking is taken subject to availability of slot and acceptance of our service merchants.

q. Member's profile data should be complete in 100%.

r. Refer your Friend benefits available ( rewards points in wallets) .

s. For insufficient balance in Membership Pack, avail balance/partial payment through PayBeauty Wallet, Debit/Credit/NetBanking or any other mode of payment available on site.

N) We do not provide any emergency/instant service: -

It is clear to you that we do not provide any guarantee to provide emergency or instant services at any cost.

O) Electronic News Letters , Invitations & SMS: -

FemaleAdda at its sole discretion may offer any of the following free services on the Website or send through sms and / or email. Certain of the following services may require you to provide additional personal information as mentioned and explained below:


We may offer a free electronic newsletter to all registered users or un registered users (unregistered user means those who booked Services as Guest User) (both Service providers & Service Receiver/Customers/Other Users) . We will gather the email addresses of users who sign up for FemaleAdda for the newsletter mailing list. Users may have the option to unsubscribe.


Our Website users can voluntarily choose to electronically forward a link, page, or document to someone else by clicking "send to a friend. Or Share with". To do so, the user must provide his or her email address, as well as the email address of the recipient.

    3. SMS

FemaleAdda from time to time send you updated information about services, offer, discounts, and other related promotional information through sms at your registered mobile number.

P) Trademark, Copy right and Restriction

This site is controlled and operated by FemaleAdda. All trademarks, service marks, logos, trade names and any other proprietary designations of FemaleAdda used herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of the company or its Founder or Director. Any other trademarks, service marks, logos, trade names and any other proprietary designations are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective parties.

FemaleAdda respects copyright law and expects its Service providers and customers or users to do the same. It is FemaleAdda's policy to terminate in appropriate circumstances the FemaleAdda Accounts of Members or other account holders who repeatedly infringe or are believed to be repeatedly infringing the rights of copyright holders.

Material on the Site owned, operated, licensed or controlled by us is solely for your personal, non-commercial use. You must not copy, reproduce, republish, upload, post, transmit or distribute such material in any way, including by email or other electronic means and whether directly or indirectly and you must not assist any other person to do so. Without the prior written consent of the owner, modification of the materials, use of the materials on any other web Site or networked computer environment or use of the materials for any purpose other than personal, non-commercial use is a violation of the copyrights, trademarks and other proprietary rights, and is prohibited. Any use for which you receive any remuneration, whether in money or otherwise, is a commercial use for the purposes of this clause.

Q) Rights and Obligations relating to contents: -

As mandated by Regulation 3(2) of the IG Rules, FemaleAdda hereby informs Users that they are not permitted to host, display, upload, modify, publish, transmit, update or share any information that

a) Is grossly harmful, harassing, offensive, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, pedophilic, libelous, invasive of another's privacy, hateful, or racially, ethnically objectionable, disparaging, relating or encouraging money laundering or gambling, or otherwise unlawful in any manner whatever;

b) Harm minors in any way;

c) Violates any law for the time being in force;

d) Deceives or misleads the addressee about the origin of such messages or communicates any information which is grossly offensive or menacing in nature;

e) Impersonate another person;

f) Contains software viruses or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer resource;

g) Threatens the unity, integrity, defence, security or sovereignty of India, friendly relations with foreign states, or public order or causes incitement to the commission of any cognisable offence or prevents investigation of any offence or is insulting any other nation.

Users are also prohibited from:

a) Violating or attempting to violate the integrity or security of the Website, Mobile Application or services.

b) Transmitting any information (including job posts, messages and hyperlinks) on or through the Website Mobile Application or services that is disruptive or competitive to the provision of Services by FemaleAdda;

c) Intentionally submitting on the Website and/ or on Mobile Application any incomplete, false or inaccurate information;

d) Making any unsolicited communications to other Users;

e) Using any engine, software, tool, agent or other device or mechanism (such as spiders, robots, avatars or intelligent agents) to navigate or search the Website;

g) attempting to decipher, decompile, disassemble or reverse engineer any part of the Website;

h) Copying or duplicating in any manner any of the FemaleAdda Content or other information available from the Website or Mobile Application

i) Framing or hot linking or deep linking any FemaleAdda Content and design.

R) Mobile application users

By downloading Mobile application, you have accepted all terms & Conditions and Policies of the company and given us permission to -

  1. Access your approximate location (network based).
  2. To read and use your Contact information.
  3. To read, use and copy your Phone book records.
  4. To send SMS, Email or any promotional messages to your contacts.
  5. To use and access your Media Gallery
  6. To read your text messages
  7. To read phone status and identity
  8. To use camera & videos
  9. To apply this clause (R) with retrospective effect from 6th November 2015 on all Users.

S) Applicable Law and Dispute Settlement

  1. You agree that the laws of India will govern this Agreement and any contractual obligation between FemaleAdda and User.
  2. Any dispute, claim or controversy arising out of or relating to this Agreement, including the determination of the scope or applicability of this Agreement to arbitrate, or your use of the Website, Mobile Application or the Services or information to which it gives access, shall be determined by arbitration in India, before a sole arbitrator appointed by FemaleAdda. Arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996. The seat of such arbitration shall be Noida. All proceedings of such arbitration, including, without limitation, any awards, shall be in the English language. The award shall be final and binding on the parties to the dispute.
  3. Subject to above paragraph ( R) ( 2) , These Terms will be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the India. You and we agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of a court located in Noida, India for any dispute, claim or actions in relation to these Terms or the use of services provided through

T) Waiver

No provision of this Agreement shall be deemed to be waived and no breach excused, unless such waiver or consent shall be in writing and signed by FemaleAdda. Any consent by FemaleAdda to, or a waiver by FemaleAdda of any breach by you, whether expressed or implied, shall not constitute consent to, waiver of, or excuse for any other different or subsequent breach.

By using the Site and Application, you agree to comply with and be legally bound by the terms & conditions and policies of FemaleAdda, whether or not you become a registered user of the Services.

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