Laxmi Mukherjeeuseful and most required detailsLike - 2 Reply - 8 years ago
5 Natural Ways to Get Rid Of Dandruff
Dandruff is very harmful for hair. It results in hair fall and sticky hair. For dandruff removal, the best option is to try homemade things like tea tree oil and yogurt. Chemical based products might cause harm to your hair. Here are given few natural...
How to control dandruff in winter
Dandruff in winters is very common problem and if you did not take measures to control it at the very beginning then it may prove very dangerous for hair. Dandruff is a major cause of hair fall, scalp itching, scalp fungus and reduced hair growth.
How to control dandruff in winter
Dandruff in winters is very common problem and if you did not take measures to control it at the very beginning then it may prove very dangerous for hair. Dandruff is a major cause of hair fall, scalp itching, scalp fungus and reduced hair growth.
Dandruff is a major problem in winters. As winter starts falling the skin gets dry and you see white flaky stuff in hair which is commonly called as dandruff. Dandruff in winter is a major problem because if not treated well at a time then it may cause skin problems. There are few best ways to...
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